A few weeks ago, I had to buy a new mouse because the one I had been using stopped clicking. Today I had to go buy a new keyboard because the one I had before only worked 1 out of 5 times. Fun, huh? Now I have to get used to typing with this new sleek keyboard that has a lot more keys than the other had. Kind of scary but I'll get used to it. Meanwhile, forgive any typos that might appear in my posts or comments or other typed texts.
My artist journal is on loan! Huh? Wha? Yep, my mother wanted to look at it and show it to the kids she works with (6th graders) to try and get them interested in a similar project. It's for a good cause so I said ok. Besides, I can always start another journal in one of my many MANY other blank books (couldn't resist buying another one at the dollar store yesterday!) Or I could always do something else like paint (one of the "citrus" paintings still hasn't been finished)... or knit (that white scarf is almost done)... or scrapbook (tons of pictures, tons of papers waiting to be assembled into beautiful layouts)... or make cards (you can never make too many cards)... or anything else really... heck, I could start a completely new project like the surprise ball at Lisa Vollrath's site. So many opportunities.
For now, I'll go feed the purring monster and get started on supper.
30 September 2007
28 September 2007
Art Journal

But I finally gave in to use of my beloved blank journal. It's from a company called Le Thé des écrivains, which means The Writer's Tea. I couldn't resist a name like that or the colourful papers used to make this journal. For the first page, I decided to stay with the base colour (pink) and add patterned paper before writing and doodling and adding accents. I like the results.

The second and third pages were done, at first, with the idea of a two-page spread so I used the same patterned papers on both pages. I again doodled over the whole thing and added a layer of paint to match the feel of each page. I added things from my morning routine: a tea packet with the tag, a piece of paper towel and a plastic thing-a-majig that keeps bread bags closed. Both pages inspired me to write about recycling, reusing, being more conscious about what we use and how we use it every day. Environment issues have been on my mind all summer and I'm trying my darnedest to have a better ecological footprint.

There might be more pages of my art journals (yes I have more than one) shown here eventually. Art doesn't always have to be fancy or even pretty. Art is a way of life if you ask me.
I received lots of goodies I ordered from ArtChixStudio (hint hint Catherine!) and some beautiful prints from TheBlackApple. Can't wait to have the latter framed and hung on my walls.
Thanks for reading. Have a super weekend!
24 September 2007
23 September 2007
Thank You Universe!
My mother and I have been talking about going on a trip to Belgium and Holland for a while. Why those countries and not France or Germany? Simple. We used to have pen pals in Belgium and have always been intrigued by that country. And Holland, well a lot of the paper crafts we do originated there. Well, like I said we've been talking about it for a while and my father said, yesterday, that he'll pay for both our plane tickets if we go next summer (2008) and we pay for all other expenses. Okie dokie! No problemo! So there it is... I asked, the Universe answered (I asked to travel and still have more than enough money to pay all other bills and expenses.) Isn't it amazing?
I bought Living the Creative Life and can't wait to start reading it. Amongst other artists, Violette is featured in this book. I also bought Altered Books Workshop which I've been wanting for a while. I've never actually tried to do altered books and this is sure to get me started (like I really need a new hobby!)
Friday night, I went to Catherine's for a crop session. I managed to start 4 Christmas cards, 3 of which are completed and one awaiting completion. We had fun. It was past 1am when I left! And she loved the goodies I brought her! ;-) Definitely will do this again.
Now I'll go create something (and finish that 4th xmas card.) Ciao!
I bought Living the Creative Life and can't wait to start reading it. Amongst other artists, Violette is featured in this book. I also bought Altered Books Workshop which I've been wanting for a while. I've never actually tried to do altered books and this is sure to get me started (like I really need a new hobby!)
Friday night, I went to Catherine's for a crop session. I managed to start 4 Christmas cards, 3 of which are completed and one awaiting completion. We had fun. It was past 1am when I left! And she loved the goodies I brought her! ;-) Definitely will do this again.
Now I'll go create something (and finish that 4th xmas card.) Ciao!
16 September 2007
Everyday stuff
I've been productive lately. Every night, before going to bed, I make a list of things I want to do the next day. When those things get done, I cross them off. So far, only 1 or 2 things haven't been done but it's nothing major. I've been really good at keeping my kitchen clean and eating only at the kitchen table. I think I've finally established a routine that works for me. Yay!
Yesterday, mom and I went for breakfast (well I should say lunch cuz it was a late breakfast) and I had zucchini bread (french toast style) with honey butter and fresh fruits, fresh orange juice and coffee (hadn't had coffee in almost a month.) It was all so yummy. After that we went shopping a bit and for the first time in months I decided to buy some clothes. Found some cute t-shirts and tops, a retro-style dress and leggings to wear under it. About $110 for 7 items. Pretty good. In the evening, I made a duct tape wallet and change purse, simple enough to do with 4th graders. It might be one of my projects for this year.
Today, I finally typed and printed some lists for games my mom and I made. They've been on my desk since at least springtime. I made a sort-of casserole for diner and have plenty of leftovers for the week. Yep, I've been cooking! And healthy meals at that! And I'm not starving either! Sometimes I amaze myself.
Well, it's almost time for bed. Tomorrow I have to get to the post office. Have to get that swap to its rightful owner! Ciao! Sweet dreams.
Yesterday, mom and I went for breakfast (well I should say lunch cuz it was a late breakfast) and I had zucchini bread (french toast style) with honey butter and fresh fruits, fresh orange juice and coffee (hadn't had coffee in almost a month.) It was all so yummy. After that we went shopping a bit and for the first time in months I decided to buy some clothes. Found some cute t-shirts and tops, a retro-style dress and leggings to wear under it. About $110 for 7 items. Pretty good. In the evening, I made a duct tape wallet and change purse, simple enough to do with 4th graders. It might be one of my projects for this year.
Today, I finally typed and printed some lists for games my mom and I made. They've been on my desk since at least springtime. I made a sort-of casserole for diner and have plenty of leftovers for the week. Yep, I've been cooking! And healthy meals at that! And I'm not starving either! Sometimes I amaze myself.
Well, it's almost time for bed. Tomorrow I have to get to the post office. Have to get that swap to its rightful owner! Ciao! Sweet dreams.
13 September 2007
A sneak peek...
A few changes in the groups at work next week but nothing major. I'll still have a bunch of crafty kids which I'm psyched about. For now, I started them on friendship bracelets for themselves and for their friends. Last Friday, only 7-8 were interested in doing them. Today I had at least 5 more working on them, including 4 boys. Such fun compared to last year where they didn't want to do anything except play sports. In the coming weeks, I'll be doing different projects with them so I'll possibly post a few picks about that.
Now that I'm working close to home and that I get to come back for lunch, I've been doing some cleaning, getting rid of stuff and reorganizing. In the past 2 weeks, I've done more cleaning than I usually do in a year! I feel great, more energized and positive. I've made some changes towards my relationship with food. Before this week, I would eat in the living room, in front of the television or the computer. I decided on Monday that my living room is now a FOOD-FREE ZONE. That means that I can't eat there. Not even a chocolate bar or popcorn while watching a movie. If I want to eat something, it has to be done while sitting at my kitchen table. That's it that's all! So far, I've managed to control myself. The only thing I allow myself to have in the living room is water or tea. Nothing else is allowed. I have to do this because I have a real problem with food. It's my addiction, if you will. There was a point where I would buy a box of cookies and by the end of the first evening, I'd already be halfway through the box. I had to force myself to stop eating. When I start eating something, especially sweets, if I don't set myself a limit beforehand, I completely lose control. There's no emotional reason behind this. I'm not eating my emotions or anything. It just seems that I'm hungry all the time. I mean really, ALL THE TIME! I know it's not normal but I'm now learning to deal with it. I drink more water or tea. I keep my hands busy (knitting, cutting, glueing, collaging, painting...) so as not to be able to hold food. It's not easy. Some days I just want to give in to temptation. But I stay strong. I will win this fight. I'm sure I'm not the only one dealing with this. I'm sure there are others like me out there who are just as scared or ashamed as I was to talk about it. Know that I understand. I've been there and I'm still there most days. I'm slowly seeing the light at the end of this long tunnel. You are not alone. WE are not alone. Stay strong. And keep your hands busy!!!
09 September 2007
Of work and swaps...
My first week at work, with my group of 4th graders, went well. I have a good group. I know I'll have a fun year with them. Quite a few of them can't wait to do crafts and I'm bringing a truck-load of new ideas to this school so it's exciting. Of course, with the bit of stress that comes with every new school year, there are a few anxiety filled dreams. I know they'll go away soon but it's still a bother for now.
I signed up for a swap on Violette's message board. The theme is mermaids. I love swaps, I love the theme as well. My problem is that I always wonder if what I'm doing and sending is good enough, if it's as good as what others are doing/sending. Do other artists and crafters feel this way or is it just me? I'm supposed to send just one mermaid and an ATC but knowing myself, I know I'll send more than is required. Insecurities... what a pain!
I'm thinking of joining a gym. It would certainly be a better place to workout than my tiny living room. And it would be a good way to meet new people I think. I might try a week for free and see if I like the place.
I signed up for a swap on Violette's message board. The theme is mermaids. I love swaps, I love the theme as well. My problem is that I always wonder if what I'm doing and sending is good enough, if it's as good as what others are doing/sending. Do other artists and crafters feel this way or is it just me? I'm supposed to send just one mermaid and an ATC but knowing myself, I know I'll send more than is required. Insecurities... what a pain!
I'm thinking of joining a gym. It would certainly be a better place to workout than my tiny living room. And it would be a good way to meet new people I think. I might try a week for free and see if I like the place.
01 September 2007
Deposit only
This is my bank of good thoughts. Whenever I come across a post of someone asking for good thoughts for themselves or people they know, I write their name on a piece of paper with the date and the reason for their request (health, finances, support, etc.) This is my way of sending good, positive vibes out to those who need it. And I know that if I ever need those vibes myself, they will be returned. Everyone should have a bank like this. Make it as positive as you like. Mine has lots of glitter and its main colour is blue because to me it's a healing, peaceful, positive colour.
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