Christmas eve was spent at my parents' house with my brother. We had a delicious meal and then unwrapped gifts. Many gifts in my case! I received pretty much everything I had put on my list, which I didn't expect would actually happen. I'm happy about it all. I've been playing with my new Nintendo DS all afternoon yesterday and some today. I started watching my DVDs. I've used one of the embossing powders for swap cards.
Yesterday, my brother and I were on our way to a family lunch, 2 hours out of town. As soon as we were out of Montreal, his car got a flat tire. He doesn't have a spare (Mini's are too small for a spare to fit in) so we had to get towed to the garage. By the time we got back home, it wasn't worth getting in my car to go to the family lunch. So after explaining the situation to our parents, we both went our separate ways and spent Christmas day on our own. I took this time to complete 2 swaps which is a good thing.
I also worked on something for the One World One Heart giveaway. I decided to participate again. It's such a fun event and it did allow me to find new blogs I probably wouldn't have found otherwise. So be sure to come back on January 19th when I'll be posting my giveaway (the winner(s) will be announced February 12th.)
I've finished reading the Twilight books. They've renewed my passion for vampires. So it's a good thing that I received the whole DVD collection of Buffy the Vampire Slayer for Christmas!
Today's art is my Daily Art Card for Desember 24th, done before going to bed, representing most of the gifts I received from my family. And yes, that IS a sock monkey.