For the last 2 cards I showed you, I had quite a bit of paper left. The bigger pieces were put away since they can contribute to other regular-sized cards or to scrapbooking. But the smaller pieces, the leftovers, were used to make some small "thank you" cards. They are approximately 2,5" x 3,5". They are very simple and took between 5 and 10 minutes to complete (including choice of stamps.) So far I only made those 2 but plan on making more this week in a similar way.

I've been doing a lot of cleaning and decluttering lately. Getting ready for a fun summer. My father and brother came over today to take my sofa-bed out of here and to bring in a new-to-me La-Z-Boy. I have a lot more room in my living room now and will be much more comfortable. I've also been hanging paintings and other decorative items on my walls. I'm far from being done with decoration. Lots of stuff to get framed and to hang on my walls. I haven't even tackled the kitchen's walls yet! (Well, there's only the 1 wall I can decorate in there but it's still bare...)
I have plans to keep decluttering this week and probably do some paintings too. And I will have a giveaway sometime soon because I reached 10,000 visitors this weekend. That's cause for celebration don't you think? Now, I'll just go relax with a cup of tea and a good book... I'm completely obsessed with the Black Dagger Brotherhood. *sigh*