25 July 2010

Step inside - Un pas à l'intérieur

Day 7.
This is an example of a page that didn't quite work out for me.
I've done worse pages but I'm not happy with this one nevertheless.
Oh well, they can't ALL be pretty, right?
And this ends my week of art journaling.
Now, I need to decide what I'll use for my next art journal.
So many possibilities...


7ième jour.
Voici un exemple de page qui n'a pas donné ce que je voulais.
J'ai fait des pages bien pire mais je ne l'aime pas quand même.
Bon, elles ne peuvent pas être TOUTES jolies, n'est-ce pas?
Et ceci conclut ma semaine de journal artistique.
Maintenant, je dois décider ce que je vais utiliser pour mon prochain jouranl d'artiste.
Tant de possibilités...

1 comment:

Janet said...

Not sure what you don't like about this page....I think it looks really good. I like the bright colors and the message about the door. But I also understand about not liking something you've made. Lately I'm not really happy with much I've done but in my case I think it's because of the heat. My brain just doesn't work good in hot weather!