I have 3 photos for you today. The first and second one were done for an experiment for Daisy Yellow.
J'ai 3 photos pour vous aujourd'hui. Les première et deuxième ont été faites pour une expérimentation pour Daisy Yellow.
I first drew squares with Neocolor II crayons then covered everything with a layer of white gesso.
J'ai d'abord dessiné des carrés avec mes Neocolor II puis j'ai recouvert le tout d'une couche de gesso.
This third photo is of a spread I made to answer 2 challenges: NaNoJouMo and The Queen of Creativity Castle's Creative Challenge.
Cette troisième photo est d'une mise en page que j'ai fait pour répondre à 2 défis: NaNoJouMo et le "Creative Challenge" de The Queen of Creativity Castle.
NaNoWriMo is going steady. I'm sure I'll get to 50,000 words by the end of the month. I'm not sure, though, that I'll have a novel worthy of that name!
NaNoWriMo se poursuit. Je suis certaine d'atteindre les 50,000 mots à la fin du mois. Je ne suis pas certaine, par contre, d'avoir un roman digne de ce nom!
I love that you are doing both of these...I would have joined but for my slight lack of commitment...lol
good for you....hope you do get your word count...maybe next year I'll go for it finally!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
I love the squares piece. I love how gesso changes everything.
I am sure you will make it. I didn't get much time to write yesterday so I am behind but hopefully I will catch up this weekend.
I just saw your pages over on Flickr! I love the one with gesso. I've been doing a lot with gesso lately. I like how it lets colors show through in a misty sort of way.
You are one busy lady ! Enjoy the Nov. flow !
HI Sophie, i do like the effect of the gesso over the crayons. Gives you a totally different mood doesn't it?
Love your red page too. good luck on getting your 5,000 words
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