These two characters, Alice and K-52, have made a short appearance in my Nanowrimo novel. The novel itself is going well. I'm right on schedule with my word count. I will actually make it to 50 000 words before December 1st! Woohoo! I really love writing this novel but at the same time, I'll be happy when I'm done with it. It's keeping me busy and taking more time out of my days than I thought which means I don't have as much time to create other things. I think that December will be my "create everyday" month. Or maybe not. I don't know. I like the idea of tackling one big project for a precise period of time like Nano in November. When there is a deadline, I give myself the much needed push to do some things I would not otherwise take the time to do.
This week, I've been looking at my bank account and trying to figure out how much money I will have left before the next paycheck in two weeks. I have four bills due before the end of next week and rent on the 1st. I realized that with today's paycheck added to my balance, I would still have a bit more than what I originally thought. Cool. I did not panic (even though my account will be at its lowest since it was first opened) and you know what? Well, the Universe, seeing that I was not panicking and stressing over the amount decided to make it still more than what I had calculated. Not much but still. Anything is better than nothing. I received a small pay increase AND got 10$ in the mail today for having answered a survey a couple months ago. See, 10$ will eventually turn into 100$ which will in turn become 1000$ and so on until I finally have my dream house! Isn't it gorgeous? That house is SO going to be mine one day! And it's just one street east of where I am right now (so still very close to work.)
Today is Thanksgiving in the United States. Here in Canada, it was in October. Still, today I am grateful for all the wonderful friends I have made online and for all the wonderful artists and bloggers who allow me to get a peek into their lives, the artistic parts and the "boring" parts. I say "boring" because some people might find what they do boring while another person would find it interesting and a source of inspiration. If you haven't done so yet, click on some of the links on my sidebar. You'll find some amazing creative souls amongst them.
Happy Thanksgiving to my American friends. And to everyone, have a wonderful day/afternoon/evening/night. Look for something that will make you smile and lift your spirit. There's always something. No matter how small.
Congratulations on your word count - and on your bank account. It's always nice to find a little extra $ than you expect.
Nice drawing of your characters. Wishing you a great day, too.
Great post! Thanks for sharing it. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! *HUGS*
Gosh, I love that drawing. Seeing it live is even better :-)
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