03 November 2010

Light as a feather - Léger comme une plume

Expect a few mandalas this month. They are such a simple way for me to create something I like. And I really like this one. Especially all the feathery lines which inspired me for the title.

What's your go-to type of creation?

Attendez-vous à voir plusieurs mandalas ce mois-ci. Ils ont une façon simple pour moi de créer quelque chose que j'aime. Et j'aime beaucoup celui-ci. Surtout les lignes qui font penser aux plumes, ce qui a inspiré le titre.

Quel est votre type de création "dépannage"?


Janet said...

So pretty! Your mandala designs are so cool.

My go-to art would be zentangles. I love doing them and they seem to just flow from the tip of my pen without too much effort.

Michelle L. said...

Lovely! Ooh, this one would be so pretty on a t-shirt.

ArtfulLee Designed said...

I love your mandala.
I love my doodling when I only have a short time to spare.

CeeCee said...

Oooh, I like. On dirait qu'il tourne!