20 December 2010

Felt tea bag - Sachet de thé en feutrine

When I saw this tutorial on how to make a felt tea bag, I knew I had to make one for myself. It was very easy to make but I think I over-stuffed it. I still like how it turned out but next time I'll use less stuffing.

Quand j'ai vu ce tutoriel (en anglais) pour faire un sachet de thé en feutring, je savais que je m'en ferais un. C'était très facile à faire mais je pense que je l'ai trop bourré. J'aime quand même le résultat mais la prochaine fois, je prendrai moins de bourre.


Janet said...

Cute idea! Did you put real tea inside them (for aroma)or just stuffing?

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, pretty! It's a nice decoration to put on a table if you invite someone over for a tea party!

Michelle L. said...

What a cute softie! Love the matching leaves on bag and tag.

Joke said...

You have a nice weblog and your teabag is a real cutie. Have to make one too!! Thanks for the link.

Best wishes,