18 April 2010

Gifts from the heart - Cadeaux du coeur

During the One World One Heart event, I won Tinker's giveaway which was a donation to the Red Cross to help Haiti. But Tinker also decided to send me a gift by mail. A beautiful little watercolour painting which I will frame and hang somewhere special and a lovely bracelet which I put on as soon as I received it. Thank you Tinker for these beauties.


Pendant l'événement One World One Heart, j'ai gagné le tirage de Tinker qui consistait d'un don à la Croix Rouge pour aider Haiti. Mais Tinker a décidé de m'envoyer aussi un cadeau par la poste. Une belle petite peinture aquarelle que j'encadrerai et accrocherai à un endroit spécial et un joli bracelet que j'ai mis aussitôt que je l'ai reçu. Merci Tinker pour ces beautés.


Tinker said...

You're very welcome! So glad you like them.

Jennifer said...

Very Very pretty and warms the heart that it benefits people who need help.

Wonderful idea Tinker.


Janet said...

Tinker is such a sweetie. And you received a couple of great gifts.