24 August 2010

Felt journal page - Page de journal en feutrine

I haven't played in my felt journal in a while so I thought I'd get back to it this week. It sort of looks like a landscape but really, I was just trying some new stitches and this is what it now looks like.
Il y a longtemps que je n'avais pas joué dans mon journal en feutrine alors j'ai pensé m'y remettre cette semaine. Ça ressemble un peu à un paysage mais en réalité, j'essayais simplement de nouveaux points de broderie et c'est ce que ça donne maintenant.


Melissa said...

It definitely looks like a landscape-a beautiful dream landscape.

Janet said...

I've missed seeing what you've been doing. You're always so busy and so creative. Sometimes just playing with stitches like you did here can result in something really unexpected. I think it has a playful landscape look to it.