01 January 2010

January 1st - 1er Janvier

As planned, I made a list of my accomplishments for the year 2009. I'm sure I left out a few things but I think it was a pretty good year for me. For 2009, I had picked the word "change" to focus on and I've seen a bit of change during that year. This year, I can't seem to pick one word. So I'm picking two instead: movement and open. I can't wait to see what those words will bring to me in this new year. Have you chosen a word or are you doing the resolutions thing?


Comme prévu, j'ai fait une liste de mes réalisations pour l'année 2009. Je suis certaine d'avoir omis quelques petites choses mais je crois que ce fut une très bonne année pour moi. Pour 2009, j'avais choisi le mot "changement", sur lequel je voulais me concentrer et j'ai vu plein de petits changements pendant l'année. Cette année, je n'arrive pas à choisir un mot. Alors j'en choisi deux à la place: mouvement et ouverte. J'ai hâte de voir ce que ces deux mots m'apporteront pendant cette nouvelle année. Avez-vous choisi un mot ou faites-vous des résolutions?


Kate Robertson said...


Movement and open are great words. I had 2 last year and even though I though I was focusing on the second I still had a lot of the first in my life. This year I have chosen Bliss.


Janet said...

That's an impressive list of accomplishments! The words you chose are for this year are great. Mine is going to be experiment, I think.