27 April 2011

Vintage craft books - Livres d'artisanat vintages

I love looking at old craft books. I have a few in my collection. I got the ones shown in this photo from my grandmother this past weekend. And I just had to show you these projects from the McCall's Needlework & Crafts from 1970. My favourite is the patchwork skirt with the knit white bikini as a close second!
J'aime regardé les vieux livres d'artisanat. J'en ai quelques-uns dans ma collection. J'ai reçu ceux photographiés ici de ma grand-mère pendant la fin de semaine. Et je me devais de vous montrer ces projets provenant du McCall's Needlework & Crafts de 1970. Mon préféré est la jupe en patchwork avec le bikini tricoté en deuxième place!


Janet said...

I have a small stack of these same McCall's Needlework & Crafts and I love paging through them. I have to admit I've used some of the pages for collage, too....gives that nice vintage look.

The patchwork skirt is great, and the bikini too as long as it's on someone else besides me!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, what a great stash! you must have been really happy when your grandma gave you this loot. i, too, love the patchwork skirt. so representative of that era -- one that i grew in... yikes! i'm sure we'll see a few vintage collage creations from you soon :-)