10 February 2011

Treasures - Trésors

In the past few weeks, I have been given many things that I can use in my crafting projects: old clothes, leftover fabric from curtains, other bits and pieces. And this week, I got this amazing lot of jewelry from one of my aunts. There are a few very nice pieces that simply need to be cleaned or polished but a lot of the other stuff will be taken apart and used to make other things. So many supplies for free! I am a happy crafter!

Au cours des dernières semaines, on m'a donné plusieurs choses que je peux utiliser dans mes projets artisanaux: vieux vêtements, surplus de tissu provenant de rideaux, autres bidules. Et cette semaine, j'ai reçu ce lot formidable de bijoux d'une de mes tantes. Il y a quelques morceaux qui valent la pein d'être nettoyés ou polis mais la grande majorité sera démontée et servira à créer d'autres choses. Tant de fournitures gratuites! Je suis une artisane heureuse!


Titbelsoeur, mixed-media addict said...

quelle chance !!!

Janet said...

Wow! So many fun new things to play with. Getting things for free is the best. And I'm sure we'll be seeing some fantastic new creations before too long.

Michelle L. said...


Anonymous said...

I am jealous also! Such a treasure trove.!!!

ArtfulLee Designed said...

Wow what a stash of goodies and to come from a family member with so many memories, even better. Have fun with them