25 October 2010

33 things and 3 winners - 33 choses et 3 gagnantes

When I saw Elise's mini-book entitled "25 things to do while 25" earlier this year, I knew I wanted to do something similar. So mine is called "33 things to do at 33." I had this photo album for quite a few years. I removed the inner pages and used the covers to make my mini-book. I typed a list of 33 things I wish to accomplish before my next birthday. I'll fill the book whenever one of those goals is met. I'll show progress along the way.

And now... the winners of my giveaway... The random number generator picked numbers 1, 10 and 11 which are CeeCee, Pam and Laura! I will contact all 3 of you for your preference in prizes. Congratulations!

Quand j'ai vu le mini-livre d'Elise "25 things to do while 25" plus tôt cette année, je savais que je voulais faire quelque chose de semble. Alors le miens a pour titre "33 choses à faire à 33." J'avais cet album photo depuis plusieurs années déjà. J'ai retiré les pages intérieures et me suis servie des couvertures pour mon mini-livre. J'ai tapé une listes de 33 choses que je veux accomplir avant ma prochaine fête. Je remplirai le livre au fur et à mesure que mes buts seront atteints. Je montrerai le progrès en cours de route.

Et maintenant... les gagnantes de mon tirage... Le générateur de nombre aléatoire a choisi les nombres 1, 10 et 11 qui sont CeeCee, Pam et Laura! Je vous contacterai toutes les 3 pour votre préférence de prix. Félicitations!


Melissa said...

An artistic version of a bucket list but specific to a year not a life. Interesting idea.

Kim Mailhot said...

You have been up to some great things, Mademoiselle ! Love the idea of this journal. A great challenge.

ArtfulLee Designed said...

I really like this idea. what a lovely way to keep a record of your hopes and dreams.

Janet said...

I like that idea but oh, my....the list I'd have to make would be so long! 67 things to do while I'm 67! Sounds like too much for me!

Congratulations to all the winners.

Pam Aries said...

YAY!! I am thrilled :) I sent you an email too...

Laura said...

Oh WoW...I am SO excited to be one of the winners!! Thanks! I replied to your email.

This is a super idea. I may give it a go - even though I have to do 56.

You are really doing great art work and great blogging!!