12 January 2011

Bellydance bokeh - Bokeh baladi

My belly dance lessons started again last night. I really enjoy this type of dance. When I got back, I thought I'd try a macro shot of my hip scarf. It's not the ideal light but the I like the shot. Next time, I'll try to do it in daylight.

Mes cours de baladi ont recommencé hier soir. J'ai vraiment ce genre de danse. Quand je suis revenue, je me suis dit que je devrais essayer une photo en macro de mon foulard pour les hanches. L'éclairage n'est pas idéal mais j'aime cette prise. La prochaine fois, j'essaierai de prendre la photo de jour.


artbrat said...

I've always wanted to try one of those classes. Its so fun to have an active outlet that you enjoy!! I like the pic.

ArtfulLee Designed said...

Bellydanicng sounds like a lot of fun.
Great picture