15 September 2010

Mandala Love is Everywhere - L'amour est partout

It's been exactly two months since my last mandala. I thought it would be a good idea to get back to drawing them as a relaxation technique. It worked last night and, as a bonus, I like the end result. I titled it Love is Everywhere because I drew hearts as flowers and caterpillar wings. (I know that caterpillars don't have wings but it's my drawing, darn it!)

Ça fait exactement deux mois depuis mon dernier mandala. Je pensais que ce serait une bonne idée de recommencer à en dessiner comme technique de relaxation. Ç'a fonctionné hier soir et, en bonus, j'aime le résultat final. Je l'ai titré L'amour est Partout parce que j'ai dessiné des coeurs comme fleurs et comme ailes pour les chenilles. (Je sais que les chenilles n'ont pas d'ailes mais c'est mon dessin, bon!)

When you draw mandalas, do you usually start from the center or from the outside? I find that I'm most comfortable starting with the center.

Quand vous dessiné un mandala, commencez-vous généralement par le centre out par l'extérieur? Moi, je suis plus confortable de commencer par le centre.


iHanna said...

I like this one a lot! I've been drawn (hehe) to mandalas lately, they are in my diary everywhere. :-)

Anonymous said...

I love it, Sophie! This makes me think of my friend Nicole's drawings- she is all about black and white. Sometimes it's good to get back to plain old drawing, and you did such a nice job of it. Ah, l'amour...

Kate Robertson said...

Very nice, I haven't done any of thee for awhile. Right now its faces that have my attention...